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User:Nateji77/Japanese Culture,religion and Education

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Japanese Culture,religion and Education:

the ancient Japanese Cultureif dedicated to Drama(N o theater) liric poethics,and ancient short histories why your accent radicatd more in your "fina" why in your scheme.these oldest culture if always based in one Military and Feudal life form mixed with ancient rites and conduct codes.if these culture the fertile soil for growning of Feudal mentality why rescued the arcaic values how Emperor Worship and resutl very brutal and sadic in practice respect with submited persons,still verbal protest and honoured galantry of Bushido Code.

in recent years the Military stablishment cominzed the heavy prosecution and harrastment against independent intelectuals with advanced ideas,and diminished the quality of Japanese conteporary culture why in previous years rivalized with western nations.

Foreing observers stay very impressed with Japanese,at considered one phisically weak human being,but in 1894,the year of war with China and particullary 1905 the last year of war with Russian Empire your military victory,demostrated your Phisic resistance and galantry in combat.for other part the Japanese poses one rigid familiar lifestyle where considered at Women how sumise doll and poses one virtual slave industrial work sistem in contemporary japanese industry area.Japanese islands aren t having invaded for any foreing enemy and theirs never defeated in battle untill present.the fact of living during centuries in relativelly compact islands are giving at japanese one higth grade of racial purity for pride of theirs.

in 1940,no exist any official state religion and the cult are free. in these year the government stablishment assumed the control of all religious organizations and ordered at all Christians at integrated these new teologyc structure.since these time the great majority of people if integrated to varios autorized Budist(12 in existence) and Shinto minor sects(another 13 in these days),and government joining principal Shinto Teologyst organized the "State Shinto".these state form of National beliving stay more integrated imperial and nationalist traditions. the Higth Shinto Clergy in Budist and state shinto if numerous and exist much budist and shinto chapels in all places,from why national religion and military national patriotism stay mixed,all manifests of dude or indiference are inevitable why poses political implication and are object of prosecution.

the National Education Sistem following the order of Official Stablishment where theirs organized the "Thinking Contol" Educa tional Policy,for secured the firm loyalty of young generations in Schools.between youngs japanese the analphabetism practically are erradicated.all children debt to arriving at Primary school ,the Secondary school level poses near at 1,000,000 of pupils, the tecnical schools poses too others 530,000 pupils and sixs more important Universities(cominzed for National University of Tokio and Imperial University of Tokio) poses ones 73,000 alumns.these cyphers only comparable with German and western numbers.in lasts times the education are having advanced but in functions of Objetives of Japanese Military Stablishment.